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Fashion Business and Technology : Journals

Colourful garments hanging on clothes hangers

The University of Manchester Library provides access to thousands of journals relating to fashion, business and technology.

Peer-reviewed journal articles are evaluated and critiqued by researchers and experts in the field before being published. They are high quality academic sources of information.

E-journal Spotlight

Front cover of Textile Research Journal

Textile Research Journal

The Textile Research Journal is the leading peer reviewed Journal for textile research. It is devoted to the dissemination of fundamental, theoretical and applied scientific knowledge in materials, chemistry, manufacture and system sciences related to fibers, fibrous assemblies and textiles. The Journal serves authors and subscribers worldwide, and it is selective in accepting contributions on the basis of merit, novelty and originality.

Fibers, fibrous assemblies, textiles, and other fiber-based materials such as nonwovens are of immense importance in today's global economy. In addition to their use in well-established consumer and industrial markets, they have widespread use in novel, non-traditional applications, such as in technical textiles, reinforced composites, geotextiles, personal care products, filtration, transportation, health care and biomaterials, smart, intelligent, electronic, and nano applications.

Since its founding in 1930, The Textile Research Journal has served as the premier forum for the presentation of scientific results that introduce new concepts, innovative technologies, and improved understanding of textile materials, processes, chemistry and systems.

In recently expanded monthly issues, TRJ has presented peer-reviewed research and review papers from leading research organizations. These papers deal with research in the design, development and measurement of natural and synthetic polymeric materials, fibers, engineered fabrics and textiles, including polymer mixtures and additives; the fabrication, developments in production processes, machinery, manufacture and testing of fibrous structures and fabricated products; chemical applications to, and modifications of, fibers and fiber substrates, including dyeing (coloring), finishing and waste reduction; and the management of product design, sourcing, economics, production, distribution and consumption systems (Provided by Publisher).

Fashion Business and Technology e-journals

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Key journal titles relating to Fashion, Marketing, and Textiles:


The list of journal titles above was compiled based on suggestions from academics and recent publishing data for authors from the Department of Fashion, Business and Technology (extracted from Pure - the University of Manchester's institutional repository).

You can also browse many of the Fashion, Business, and Technology journals and related journals we subscribe to using Browzine.

Browzine - Business: Marketing and Sales


Browzine - Engineering and Technology: Materials Science


Browzine- Art and Design: Fashion and Textiles

Google Scholar

Google Scholar can be a useful tool to use when searching for journal articles. However, it's important to be aware that Google Scholar will return results for articles, journals and other resources that the Library doesn't necessarily subscribe to and which you might not have free access to as a student at the University of Manchester.

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Library Access

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