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Fashion Business and Technology : Databases

Colourful garments hanging on clothes hangers

Databases provide access to high-quality peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, dissertations and many other resources. 

These databases have been especially selected for this subject area. When carrying out your research for a piece of work, you will need to search more than one database to find all of the journal articles relevant to your topic, as each database covers different journal titles.

Database Spotlight

Image of Harper's Bazaar Cover's

The Harper's Bazaar Archive 

The Harper’s Bazaar Archive significantly enhances the University’s existing holdings of one of the world’s most influential fashion and lifestyle magazines. Providing access to over 500,000 pages of content, coverage extends back to the first issues of both the US (1867-present, with subsequent issues added on an ongoing basis), and UK (1930-2015) editions, both of which are seamlessly cross-searchable. 

The resource is fully indexed, and content is discoverable to either article level or, in the case of advertisements, by brand or company name. The highly visual content is presented in the original magazine layout, providing both context and opportunity for comparative studies of both the US and UK editions. The database also complements the University’s recent acquisitions in general interest magazines, notably those available on EBSCOhost Reseach Databases.  

This powerful lens into American, British and International fashion is essential to students and researchers in Fashion, Business and Technology, with cross-searching facilitated between both  Women's Wear Daily and The Vogue Archive by their shared ProQuest platform. However, whilst synonymous with designers and illustrators, Harper’s also showcased the work of acclaimed authors such as John Steinbeck and Virginia Woolf and photographers including Diane Arbus and Man Ray. Its diverse cultural range offers rich primary source material for the Departments of American Studies, English Literature and Creative Writing, Film Studies, History, and Sociology, as well as interdisciplinary research groupings across the Humanities including CIDRAL and the Institute for Cultural Practices. 

Essential databases

The following are important databases for this subject area, however if you don't see what you're looking for, please go to the Database Directory for Fashion Business and Technology to browse a wider selection.


  • ABI Inform Global Essential
    ABI Inform is a collection of databases which cover the literature on business, management, computers, human resources and a wide range of related fields. It provides abstracts of material from 1971 onwards and full text from 1987, although not all journals are available in full text. This database indexes over 1,000 journals and magazines.
  • Business Source Premier Essential
    This is the world's largest full text business database. It provides full text access to over 8,000 business journals and other sources, including more than 1,100 peer-reviewed business publications. Coverage includes all disciplines of business, including management, finance, economics and international business. This database provides full text for more than 350 of the top scholarly journals dating as far back as 1965. This database includes searchable cited references for 1,205 journals. It covers the period from 1984 to date and is updated on a daily basis via EBSCO Host.
  • Fame Essential
    Financial analysis database providing company information for over 2.8 million UK public and private companies, searchable by a wide range of criteria. Detailed financial analysis (up to 10 years) for over 600,000 companies plus director and shareholding data.
  • Bloomsbury Fashion Business Cases Essential
    Bloomsbury Fashion Business Cases brings fashion business to life and creates a link between education and industry. Designed to help students develop the essential business skills required by the next generation of fashion industry professionals, this digital resource is global in focus and presents real-world cases on challenges facing the business of fashion, tackling important issues such as sustainability, technology, ethics, and leadership. The resource is tailored to provide the tools to steer students toward success as they transition to a career in fashion. Cases are a popular and effective educational tool for students to learn and apply business concepts to real-life situations, strategies, and dilemmas. Cases provide an overview and background information associated with an issue or problem a company is facing. Students are then asked to review and analyze the background material, evaluate multiple alternative solutions, recommend and justify an optimal solution for the company, and predict outcomes of the solution. Cases provide the opportunity to apply and practice analytic, evaluative, and communication skills.The case collection addresses a wide range of pedagogical needs, from illustrating core classroom principles to fostering in-depth independent research.
  • Design & Applied Arts Index (DAAI) Essential
    This database is a source of information for all aspects of design and crafts, from textiles and ceramics to vehicle design, advertising and sustainability. Covers journal articles, exhibition reviews and news items.
  • Worth Global Style Network (WGSN) Essential
    WGSN an online news and information and fashion images database for the fashion and style industries including fashion forecasting, design, company profiles and news items on e-commerce, finance, advertising and marketing.
  • The Business of Fashion : Professional Essential New
    BoF Professional is an essential daily resource for fashion creatives, executives and entrepreneurs all over the world. Through BoF, members gain in-depth analysis and actionable insights for navigating the rapidly-changing global Fashion industry. BoF Professional includes: Daily industry insights and analyses, case studies and how-to guides, online courses and live webinars. Serving members in more than 125 countries, The Business of Fashion combines independent, agenda-setting journalism with practical business advice, online learning, career-building tools and immersive events, powering positive change in fashion and the wider world. Over time, our pioneering approach has made BoF the fashion industry’s leading source of business intelligence, and one of its most respected and influential voices, simply because you won’t find BoF’s original reporting, analysis and advice anywhere else. The Business of Beauty brings the same kind of agenda-setting coverage to the beauty and wellness space. Today, our talented team of correspondents, editors, analysts, engineers, designers, marketers and more numbers more than 100 people in London, New York, Paris and Milan.

Database Directory

You can use our Database Directory to browse a broader range of databases that are relevant to Fashion, Business and Technology as well as other subjects. The directory also allows you to identify databases that provide access to specific types of resources (e.g. Full Text Articles, Streaming Video, Patents, Theses and Dissertations, and much more).

Database Directory - Fashion Business and Technology


Research at the University of Manchester

The University of Manchester's research is internationally recognised. Go to Research Explorer, Manchester's research database, to discover the breadth of research produced by staff across the University.

Browse research publications from Fashion Business and Technology (please note: whilst many of the publications listed are available to access/Open Access, some records are for forthcoming titles awaiting publication).


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