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Psychology: Journals

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The University of Manchester Library provides access to a wide range of journals relating to Psychology.

Peer-reviewed journal articles are evaluated and critiqued by researchers and experts in the field before being published. They are high quality academic sources of information.

E-journal Spotlight

Personality and Social Psychology Review

Personality and Social Psychology Review is an official journal of SPSP, the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. It is the premiere outlet for original theoretical papers in all areas of personality and social psychology. In the pages of PSPR, you will find stimulating conceptual pieces that identify exciting new directions for research on the psychological underpinnings of human individuality and social functioning, as well as those that provide new, integrative frameworks for innovating existing research programs. The journal welcomes submissions that center personality and social psychology, but is especially interested in submissions that demonstrate the ways in which these fields connect to other disciplines, both within psychology, and beyond to disciplines in the social sciences, humanities, arts, medicine, nursing, education, and life sciences. The journal wants to publish theory that makes a difference in the real world and is especially interested in theory that speaks to the experiences of people who are marginalized or oppressed by prevailing power structures. Occasionally PSPR publishes other pieces of particular interest to members of the Society, such as special topical issues, selected symposia, and invited addresses. All papers are reviewed with respect to their scholarly merit (Provided by Publisher).

Psychology e-journals

Search for journal articles using Library Search (you can do keyword searches for either the title of a journal or an article).


Key Journals relating to Psychology:


The above list was compiled using Scopus and comprises a selection of the top journals relating to 'Psychology' based on Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) ranking. For more information on the SNIP ranking metric, please visit Elsevier's Measuring a Journal's Impact page.


You can also browse a selection of the Psychology related journals we subscribe to using Browzine.


Browzine: Psychology

Google Scholar

Google Scholar can be a useful tool to use when searching for journal articles. However, it's important to be aware that Google Scholar will return results for articles, journals and other resources that the Library doesn't necessarily subscribe to and which you might not have free access to as a student at the University of Manchester.

Google Scholar Search

Library Access

In order to make it easier to identify and access content provided by the Library when searching Google (and without having to visit Library Search), we recommend that you download Library AccessThis is a useful browser extension that will pop-up and notify you when you are on a journal or website that the Library has a subscription for. 

Library Access

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University staff should use the Order an Article (Staff) form.

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