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Psychology: Evidence-based practice

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Critical appraisal

  • CASP: the Critical Skills Appraisal Programme - includes checklists and workshops.
  • CEBM - Critical Appraisal Tools - Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, Oxford.

PubMed blog - expert searching

PubMed Search Strategies Blog - good starting point for tricky searches in any database using MeSH, free text terms too for some topics.

Systematic reviews

  • CRD (Centre for Reviews and Dissemination) is part of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and is a department of the University of York. CRD provide the DARE, NHS EED and HTA databases in the Cochrane Library as well as guidance for those undetaking a systematic review.

Evidence-based searching

  • NHS Evidence provides access to quality health and social care evidence and best practice. The Medicines section (still in development) brings together information from sources including the BNF, eMC, MHRA (NHS login required for some databases and journals). * Please note this service has now closed - refer to the webpage for details of other resources.
  • TRIP (Turning Research into Practice) Database provides access to a large collection of evidence based and other high-quality medical information via a single interface. The service searches PubMed for evidence-based articles whilst also retrieving evidence-based internet resources, guidelines, query-answering services, e-textbooks, medical images, and patient information leaflets.

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