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Midwifery: Journals

Ultrasound procedure

The University of Manchester Library provides access to a wide range of journals relating to Midwifery.

Peer-reviewed journal articles are evaluated and critiqued by researchers and experts in the field before being published. They are high quality academic sources of information.

E-journal Spotlight

Front Cover of Women and Birth

Women and Birth 

Journal of the Australian College of Midwives (ACM) Women and Birth is the official journal of the Australian College of Midwives ( It is a midwifery journal that publishes on all matters relating to pregnancy, birth, and the first six weeks post-partum. All papers must draw from, and contribute to, the relevant contemporary research, policy and/or theoretical literature. We focus on primary research papers, systematic reviews and research-informed and critiqued discussion papers. While we are based in Australia, our Editorial Board is multi-national and we welcome papers from all over the world. All papers should reflect our global perspective and reach. Articles are double blind peer-reviewed by experts in the field of the submitted work.

Our woman-centred focus is inclusive of the partner, wider family, fetus and newborn, and covers both healthy and complex pregnancies and births. We recognise that individuals have diverse gender identities. Terms such as pregnant person, childbearing people and parent can be used to avoid gendering birth, and those who give birth, as feminine. However, because women are also marginalised and oppressed in most places around the world, we support use of the terms woman, mother or maternity. When we use these words, it is not meant to exclude those who give birth and do not identify as women. The journal seeks papers that take a woman-centred focus on midwifery practice, research, theory, education, management and leadership, maternity service provision, maternal and newborn health, respectful maternity care, breastfeeding, primary health care and relevant aspects of psychology, sociology, human rights and health economics. We welcome papers from all professional disciplines that are relevant to midwifery practice and the scope of the journal.

Our key readers are midwives, maternity care and neonatal nurses, maternity service managers, providers and users, obstetricians, neonatologists, health sociologists and economists, psychologists with an interest in maternal and infant research and policy makers and researchers from all these areas (Provided by Publisher).

Midwifery e-journals

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Relevant journals relating to Midwifery:


The above list was compiled using Scopus and comprises a selection of the top journals relating to 'Maternity & Midwifery' based on Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) ranking. For more information on the SNIP ranking metric, please visit Elsevier's Measuring a Journal's Impact page.


You can also browse a selection of the Midwifery related journals we subscribe to using Browzine.


Browzine Nursing Midwifery


Browzine Biomedical and Health Sciences

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