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Theses: Manchester Theses

Manchester Print Collection

You can find theses submitted by University of Manchester postgraduate research students from the late 19th Century to the present day using the Library Search. Or try the Advanced Search for more options (select 'Theses' from the drop-down list for ‘Material type’).

You can access further information here

Manchester electronic theses

Electronic copies of all Open Access Manchester Postgraduate Research theses (from 2010 onwards) are available free to view and download using Library Search. The Library Search record for the thesis you wish to view will take you to the University's Research Explorer,  where you will be able to view a PDF version of the thesis.

You can search for eTheses using the following instructions:

  • Using the advanced search option in Library Search, enter your search terms;
  • Choose ‘theses’ in the ‘material type’ drop-down box;
  • Both print and electronic theses will be displayed; if you only want to view eTheses at this stage, you can refine your results by clicking on the show only ‘full text online’ option on the left hand side.

The University’s research outputs, including Open Access eTheses, are available via the institutional repository, Pure and can be accessed via the Research Explorer:

To find out more about Pure, please visit the Pure support website:

Older doctoral theses of The University of Manchester are made available electronically from the British Library's Electronic Theses Online Service (EThOS), many of which are also available online via Library Search.

EThOS charge a £60 fee to customers for digitising any theses that are not currently available on their database.

Submitting your theses

Postgraduate research students at Manchester are required to submit an electronic version of their examination and final corrected thesis. This applies to students studying towards the qualifications:

  • Doctor of: Philosophy (PhD)
  • Engineering (EngD)
  • Enterprise (EntD)
  • Business Administration (DBA)
  • Medicine (MD)
  • Master of: Philosophy (MPhil)
  • Research (MRes, certain Schools only). 

Please see the Library’s eThesis Support pages for more information on the eThesis submission process.

Printing and binding your thesis

The Library no longer provides binding services. Binding services are provided by Hollingworth & Moss Ltd, for whom we are agents.

The University of Manchester is an introduction agent for Hollingworth and Moss Ltd and has no authority or ability to negotiate or vary the services or terms of the services offered on this website or enter into any contract on behalf of Hollingworth and Moss Ltd. The University receives a commission for any purchases made from Hollingworth and Moss Ltd via this website.

General theses enquiries

Enquiries relating to the Library’s thesis collection should be sent via the Library’s General Enquiries page.

For enquiries relating to eThesis submission, please contact the eThesis Support Service:

eThesis Support Service

University of Manchester Library

Tel: +44 (0)161 275 8728 (internal: x58728)

