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Social Statistics: Books

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The University of Manchester Library is home to a significant collection of books for Social Statistics.

E-book Spotlight

Front cover of Statistical Methods: Connections, Equivalencies, and Relationships

Statistical Methods: Connections, Equivalencies, and Relationships

The primary purpose of this book is to introduce the reader to a wide variety of interesting and useful connections, relationships, and equivalencies between and among conventional and permutation statistical methods. There are approximately 320 statistical connections and relationships described in this book. For each connection or connections the tests are described, the connection is explained, and an example analysis illustrates both the tests and the connection(s). The emphasis is more on demonstrations than on proofs, so little mathematical expertise is assumed. While the book is intended as a stand-alone monograph, it can also be used as a supplement to a standard textbook such as might be used in a second- or third-term course in conventional statistical methods. Students, faculty, and researchers in the social, natural, or hard sciences will find an interesting collection of statistical connections and relationships - some well-known, some more obscure, and some presented here for the first time (Provided by Publisher).

Locating and borrowing books

You can use Library Search to search for both print and eBooks as well as a range of other resources including articles, journals, and databases.

Guide to printed collections

The Library uses the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme (Dewey for short) to arrange books and other resources on the shelves so you can locate them easily.

The vast majority of books relating to Social Statistics and related subjects can be found in the Main Library.


Subject Areas Classmark(s) Location
Social sciences 300 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Sociology and anthropology 301 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Social interaction 302 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Social processes 303 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Factors affecting social behaviour 304 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Groups of people 305 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Culture and institutions 306 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Communities 307 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Social situation and conditions 309 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Collections of general statistics 310 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Social sciences - Statistics - Population 312 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
General statistics of Europe 314 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
General statistics of Asia 315 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
General statistics of Africa 316 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
General statistics of North America 317 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
General statistics of South America 318 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
General statistics of other areas 319 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Civil and political rights 323 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
The political process 324 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
International migration and colonization 325 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Labour economics 331 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Social problems and services; associations 360 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Social problems and services 361 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Social problems and services to groups 362 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Other social problems and services 363 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Education 370 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Numerical analysis 518 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Probabilities and applied mathematics 519 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Geography and travel 910 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 3


More information: Locating books on shelves

For help with finding your way around the Main Library, please use our new Interactive Map.

Course reading lists

You can access your course reading lists in Blackboard: 

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Reading Lists

E-book collections

The Library provides access to numerous e-book collections that host many titles relating to Social Statistics and related subjects. Follow this link to browse different collections you can explore to find e-books relating to your studies. 

E-book collections

E-book collections

Order a Book

If the Library doesn't already hold a copy of the book you need, fill in the Order a Book form and we will get it for you.

University staff should use the Order a Book (Staff) form.

Order a Book

Theses and dissertations

Theses can be a valuable source of information for your research and are very useful points of reference for when you come to write your own thesis.

For detailed information on how to access theses from the University of Manchester, and from other universities in the UK and internationally, please visit our Theses Library Guide





Doctoral/Research Theses

  • Electronic versions of many open-access University of Manchester research theses, submitted from the 2010 session onwards, are available on Research Explorer, the University of Manchester’s research database.


Theses from other UK/International Institutions

  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global (PQDT Global)

    A searchable and browsable database of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to the present day. It also offers full text for graduate works added since 1997, along with selected full text for works written prior to 1997. It contains a significant amount of new international dissertations and theses both in citations and in full text. Designated as an official offsite repository for the U.S. Library of Congress, PQDT Global offers comprehensive historic and ongoing coverage for North American works and significant and growing international coverage from a multiyear program of expanding partnerships with international universities and national associations.

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