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Russian and East European Studies: Journals

Saint Basil's Cathedral at sunset

The University of Manchester Library provides access to a wide range of journals relating to Russian and East European Studies.

Peer-reviewed journal articles are evaluated and critiqued by researchers and experts in the field before being published. They are high quality academic sources of information.

E-journal Spotlight

Front Cover of The Russian Review

The Russian Review

Experts agree that for the last half-dozen years The Russian Review has reigned as a premier journal in Slavic Studies. Its prescient receptivity to cultural studies, its admirable emphasis on intellectual and scholarly quality over 'partiinost' and its unusually rigorous adherence to publication schedules have made The Russian Review a model of academic scholarship and professionalism.  The Russian Review appears punctually, rarely contains typographical errors and stylistic solecisms, teems with stimulating, original insights, and invariably explores new ground.  It is one of the only professional journals worth reading from cover to cover, and its achievements are all the more impressive in light of its independence from dues-paying organizations - Helena Goscilo, University of Pittsburgh.(Provided by Publisher)

Russian Studies e-journals

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Relevant journals relating to Russian and East European Studies:


The list of journal titles above was compiled based on recent publishing data for authors from the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures - Russian Studies (extracted from Pure - the University of Manchester's institutional repository).


You can also browse a selection of the Russian Studies related journals we subscribe to using Browzine.


Browzine - Russian, Eastern European and Slavic Studies


Browzine - Russian and Eastern European History


Browzine - Slavic Literature

Google Scholar

Google Scholar can be a useful tool to use when searching for journal articles. However, it's important to be aware that Google Scholar will return results for articles, journals and other resources that the Library doesn't necessarily subscribe to and which you might not have free access to as a student at the University of Manchester.

Google Scholar Search

Library Access

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Library Access

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