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Mathematics: Databases

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Databases provide access to high-quality peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, dissertations and many other resources. 

These databases have been especially selected for this subject area. When carrying out your research for a piece of work, you will need to search more than one database to find all of the journal articles relevant to your topic, as each database covers different journal titles.

Database Spotlight

zbMATH Open logo

zbMATH Open

zbMATH Open (formerly known as Zentralblatt MATH) is the world's most comprehensive and longest-running abstracting and reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics. It is edited by the European Mathematical Society (EMS), the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, and FIZ Karlsruhe. The editorial work is done by the Berlin office of FIZ Karlsruhe, which as a member of the Leibniz Association is a non-profit company and a recognized organisation serving the public interest. Since January 2021, zbMATH Open has been available as an open access service.

zbMATH Open is set to become a crucial hub in the global network of mathematics information. It connects a large variety of mathematics-relevant information and information services in our open access interface, and aim to enable more links through our APIs. 

Currently, zbMATH Open contains around 5 million bibliographic entries with reviews or abstracts drawn from more than 5,000 journals and book series, and some 200,000 books. The coverage, which starts in the 18th century, is complete from 1868 to the present day, due to the integration of the “Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik” data. In 2024, mathematically relevant parts of the arXiv were integrated. zbMATH Open contains more than one million profiles of identified authors connected with various platforms, the swMATH information service about mathematical software, about 50 million references, links to mathematical research data, and connections to various full text and research data platforms or Q&A forums like MathOverflow.

(Provided by Publisher)

Essential databases

The following are important databases for this subject area, however if you don't see what you're looking for, please go to the Database Directory for Mathematics to browse a wider selection.


  • MathSciNet Essential
    MathSciNet contains approximately 2 million citations (with abstracts from 1979) to the worldwide literature in mathematics and related subjects, published since 1940. It includes references to articles from 2000 journals, books and conference proceedings, and is updated daily. It's printed counterparts are Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications.
  • Essential
    An e-print repository which presents papers in physics, mathematics, nonlinear science, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, and statistics. is a fully automated electronic archive and distribution server for research papers which functions as a means of communicating ongoing research information in these subject areas.
  • Web of Science Essential
    Web of Science Core Collection provides access to the world's leading citation databases. Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and conference proceedings. Includes current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage to 1900. All cited references for all publications are fully indexed and searchable. Search across all authors and all author affiliations.Track citation activity with Citation Alerts. See citation activity and trends graphically with Citation Report.Use Analyze Results to identify trends and publication patterns.
  • Scopus Essential
    Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. Scopus delivers an overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences and arts and humanities. As research becomes increasingly global, interdisciplinary and collaborative, you can make sure that critical research from around the world is not missed.
  • JSTOR Essential
    Used by millions for research, teaching, and learning. With more than a thousand academic journals and over one million images, letters, and other primary sources, JSTOR is one of the world's most trusted sources for academic content.
  • SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) Essential
    A leading source of knowledge for the worlds applied mathematics and computational science communities. Provides access to approximately 400 books journals and conference proceedings published by SIAM over the past five decades.
  • Science Direct Essential
    Science Direct provides full-text access to over 2,400 journals, plus book series, encyclopaedias and other reference works

Key database categories

Follow the links below to browse databases for specific types of resources.

Database Directory

You can use our Database Directory to browse a broader range of databases that are relevant to Mathematics as well as other subjects. The directory also allows you to identify databases that provide access to specific types of resources (e.g. Full Text Articles, Streaming Video, Patents, Theses and Dissertations, and much more).

Database Directory Mathematics

Research at the University of Manchester

The University of Manchester's research is internationally recognised. Go to Research Explorer, Manchester's research database, to discover the breadth of research produced by staff across the University.

Browse research publications from the Department of Mathematics (please note: whilst many of the publications listed are available to access/Open Access, some records are for forthcoming titles awaiting publication).


Research Explorer Search Interface

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