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Linguistics and English Language: Books

Page of dictionary

The University of Manchester Library is home to a significant collection of books on Linguistics and English Language.

E-book Spotlight

Front cover of Socio-Syntax: Exploring the Social Life of Grammar

Socio-Syntax: Exploring the Social Life of Grammar

How do we adapt our grammar to communicate social detail? Do all working class people have a local dialect or are we free to use language in ways that transcend our place in the social hierarchy? Seeking to answer these questions, this pioneering book is the first to exclusively and extensively address the relationship between social meaning and grammatical variation. It demonstrates how we use grammar to communicate alignments and stances and to construct our social style or social identity. Based on an ethnographic study of high school girls in Northern England, it also uses the author's own experiences as a working-class student, to argue for change in how we conceive of grammar and how grammar is taught in schools. Lively and engaging real life examples from the study are included throughout, bringing to life new contributions to debates in variationist sociolinguistic and linguistic anthropology (Provided by Publisher).

Locating and borrowing books

You can use Library Search to search for both print and eBooks as well as a range of other resources including articles, journals, and databases.

Guide to printed collections

The Library uses the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme (Dewey for short) to arrange books and other resources on the shelves so you can locate them easily.

The vast majority of books relating to Linguistics and English Language and related subjects can be found in the Main Library.


Subject Areas Classmark(s) Location
Language 400 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Philosophy and theory; international languages 401 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Education, research, related topics 407 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Groups of people 408 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Geographic treatment and biography 409 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Linguistics 410 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Writing systems 411 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Etymology 412 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Dictionaries 413 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Phonology & phonetics 414 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Grammar 415 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Dialectology and historical linguistics 417 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Applied linguistics 418 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Sign languages 419 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
English & Old English (Anglo-Saxon) 420 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Writing system, phonology, phonetics 421 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Etymology of standard English 422 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Dictionaries of standard English 423 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Grammar of standard English 425 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
English language variations 427 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Standard English usage 428 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2
Old English (Anglo-Saxon) 429 Main Library - Blue Area - Floor 2


More information: Locating books on shelves

For help with finding your way around the Main Library, please use our new Interactive Map.

Course reading lists

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Reading Lists

E-book collections

The Library provides access to numerous e-book collections that host many titles relating to Linguistics and English Language plus related subjects. Follow this link to browse different collections you can explore to find e-books relating to your studies. 

E-book collections 

E-book collections

Order a Book

If the Library doesn't already hold a copy of the book you need, fill in the Order a Book form and we will get it for you.

University staff should use the Order a Book (Staff) form.

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Theses and dissertations

Theses can be a valuable source of information for your research and are very useful points of reference for when you come to write your own thesis.

For detailed information on how to access theses from the University of Manchester, and from other universities in the UK and internationally, please visit our Theses Library Guide





Doctoral/Research Theses

  • Electronic versions of many open-access University of Manchester research theses, submitted from the 2010 session onwards, are available on Research Explorer, the University of Manchester’s research database.


Theses from other UK/International Institutions

  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global (PQDT Global)

    A searchable and browsable database of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to the present day. It also offers full text for graduate works added since 1997, along with selected full text for works written prior to 1997. It contains a significant amount of new international dissertations and theses both in citations and in full text. Designated as an official offsite repository for the U.S. Library of Congress, PQDT Global offers comprehensive historic and ongoing coverage for North American works and significant and growing international coverage from a multiyear program of expanding partnerships with international universities and national associations.

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