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Library and Archive Studies: Databases

Rows of books on shelves in a library

Databases provide access to high-quality peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, dissertations and many other resources. 

These databases have been especially selected for this subject area. When carrying out your research for a piece of work, you will need to search more than one database to find all of the journal articles relevant to your topic, as each database covers different journal titles.

Database spotlight

Row of books on a shelf

Library and Information Science Collection (ProQuest)

This extensive collection includes Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) and provides access to full text for a wide range of titles including Archives and Records, Collections and Curation, Digital Library Perspectives, International Journal of Librarianship, and many more.

Users can search across all of the featured resources using a single search interface. Subject coverage encompasses a range of topics relating to Library and Information Science including knowledge management, information behaviour, digital and information literacy, archive practice and principles, and so on. 

Essential databases

The following are important databases for this subject area, however if you don't see what you're looking for, please go to the Database Directory for Library and Archive Studies to browse a wider selection.


  • Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) Essential
    Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)is an international abstracting and indexing tool designed for library professionals and other information specialists. LISA currently abstracts over 300 periodicals from around 40 countries and 20 languages, providing comprehensive bibliographic coverage of the scholarly literature related to library science. Subject coverage includes all aspects of librarianship, library users, information retrieval and more.
  • Library, information science & technology abstracts Essential
    Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) indexes more than 560 core journals, nearly 50 priority journals, and 125 selective journals; plus books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Coverage in the database extends back as far as the mid-1960s. It is EBSCO Publishings intention to provide access to LISTA on a continual basis Customers currently subscribing to other EBSCOhost databases may elect to have LISTA added to their EBSCOhost profile.
  • Library & Information Science Collection Essential
    The Library & Information Science Collection combines Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), the leading index for library science, with full-text for many titles. Subject coverage includes all aspects of librarianship, library users, information retrieval, and more. It covers titles from many different countries and in more than 20 languages.
  • Scopus Essential
    Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. Scopus delivers an overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences and arts and humanities. As research becomes increasingly global, interdisciplinary and collaborative, you can make sure that critical research from around the world is not missed.
  • Web of Science Essential
    Web of Science Core Collection provides access to the world's leading citation databases. Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and conference proceedings. Includes current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage to 1900. All cited references for all publications are fully indexed and searchable. Search across all authors and all author affiliations.Track citation activity with Citation Alerts. See citation activity and trends graphically with Citation Report.Use Analyze Results to identify trends and publication patterns.
  • Emerald Essential
    The Emerald Fulltext service provides access to the full text of articles from over 100 journals covering business, finance, sociology, economics, marketing, health, social care and more.

Using Library Search

Library Search is a discovery tool which allows you to search for and access resources (articles, books, journals, images etc.) held by or subscribed to by The University of Manchester Library. It pulls together many of the Library’s systems and allows you to search across them simultaneously.

Library Search allows you to search content from across multiple databases (including JSTOR, Web of Science, etc.), however your search may return a great many irrelevant results. Try using the Advanced Search function or refining your search results using the menu that appears on the left-hand side. 

For more information, go to our Using Library Search page.

Key database categories

Follow the links below to browse databases for specific types of resources.

Database Directory

You can use our Database Directory to browse a broader range of databases that are relevant to Library and Archive Studies as well as other subjects. The directory also allows you to identify databases that provide access to specific types of resources (e.g. Full Text Articles, Streaming Video, Patents, Theses and Dissertations, and much more).

Database Directory - Library and Archive Studies

Research at the University of Manchester

The University of Manchester's research is internationally recognised. Go to Research Explorer, Manchester's research database, to discover the breadth of research produced by staff across the University.

Browse research outputs from the John Rylands Research Institute (please note: whilst many of the publications listed are available to access/Open Access, some records are for forthcoming titles awaiting publication).


Research Explorer Search Interface

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