All disabled people are now covered by the legislation where their impairment affects their ability to study or work on an equal basis as someone without impairment.
All copyright work can now be altered to an appropriate format.
This may include:
Further advice is available from the Library Disability Support Team.
Below is a list of the licences the University currently holds:
Most electronic resources (databases, e-journals, e-books) are made available through subscriptions handled by the Library. Access to University of Manchester staff and students is allowed under the terms of licences drawn up by the supplier. All members of the University of Manchester are responsible for ensuring that they comply with licences.
If you are in any doubt at all you must check the specific licence for any given resource.
As a general rule:
You should not make licensed material available to others over any kind of network or by e-mail without checking the terms of the licence concerned.
Contact the Library's Digitisation Service for further help in this area.