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Business and Management: Databases

Evening scene depicting Alliance Manchester Business School and intersection

Databases provide access to high-quality peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, dissertations and many other resources. 

Business databases contain financial data, company information, market research, business news, peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings and more. 

When carrying out research, you may need to consult more than one database to produce a more rounded outcome.

Accessing specialist financial research databases

Eddie Davies Finance Zone resources consist of Bloomberg, LSEG Refinitiv Workspace (with Datastream and SDC Platinum), and the Excel version of S&P Capital IQ Pro.
•    The Bloomberg Suite (2.011a) has 8 PCs running Bloomberg and Workspace
•    The Database Suite (2.011b) has 16 PCs running Workspace


Remote access
The complete LSEG Datastream database and Excel versions of Capital IQ Pro and Workspace databases are only available from the Eddie Davies Finance Zone in the AMBS building. The FactSet database is only available on campus on a University-managed device using GlobalProtect. There is no remote access offered for these databases. 

Researchers with a managed Windows 10 device may install Datastream and Capital IQ Pro Excel add-ins from the Software Centre. After installation, these databases may be used anywhere.

Students and researchers can access SDC Platinum via LSEG Workspace online.

Database Directory

You can use our Database Directory to browse a broader range of databases that are relevant to Business and Management as well as other subjects. The directory also allows you to identify databases that provide access to specific types of resources (e.g. Full Text Articles, Streaming Video, Patents, Theses and Dissertations, and much more).

Database Directory: Business and Management

Databases: Markets & Sectors - UK and Industrial

The University of Manchester Library subscribes to a number of databases providing market research & industry sector data from established market intelligence providers. These databases include tailored reports, statistical data, and the latest news from a variety of sectors. The scope of information varies from database to database:

  • Mintel Oxygen Essential
    UK market research providing analysis for a wide range of consumer products food, drink, household, health, electronics, leisure trends, financial services and retailing.

Databases - International Trade

  • Business Source Premier Essential
    This is the world's largest full text business database. It provides full text access to over 8,000 business journals and other sources, including more than 1,100 peer-reviewed business publications. Coverage includes all disciplines of business, including management, finance, economics and international business. This database provides full text for more than 350 of the top scholarly journals dating as far back as 1965. This database includes searchable cited references for 1,205 journals. It covers the period from 1984 to date and is updated on a daily basis via EBSCO Host.
  • Euromonitor Passport Essential
    This online market research tool monitors industry trends and provides strategic analysis and a market size and market share database covering over 350 markets and 850 cities. Euromonitor also has the world's most comprehensive research on the luxury goods industry. They monitor and analyse industry trends in personal goods globally, including in-depth data on market share and market size. Formerly known as Global market information database (GMID).
  • OECD Statistics Databases
    This database includes Monthly Statistics of International Trade, International Trade by Commodity, International Direct Investment, Statistics on International Trade in Services and Statistics on Measuring Globalisation.
  • UK Data Service - includes ESDS International
    The UK Data Service replaces ESDS. It provides access to a wide range of datasets published by the OECD, International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. This database provides annual time series data for international trade, foreign investment and commodity prices. Datasets include IMF Direction of Trade Statistics, OECD International Trade by Commodity, OECD International Direct Investment and World Bank Development Indicators.

Databases - Business News

The University of Manchester Library subscribes a number of excellent sources of trade and industry news (both current and historic). Trade and industry news can provide you with an essential understanding of current events and allows you to:

  • Track sector trends: latest developments influencing markets.
  • Track company trends: latest company developments eg: recent financial filings.
  • Track financial market trends: which stock is up, which stock is down.
  • Track latest economic trends: what is happening to influence the economy.
  • Track latest political events: find out what is influencing political decisions.
  • ABI Inform Global
    ABI Inform is a collection of databases which cover the literature on business, management, computers, human resources and a wide range of related fields. It provides abstracts of material from 1971 onwards and full text from 1987, although not all journals are available in full text. This database indexes over 1,000 journals and magazines.
  • Access World News
    International news service covering politics, economics, culture, business, science and technology.
  • Economist Historical Archive
    Comprehensive online archive for every Economist issue published 1843 - 2006 (for later articles see Factiva or ABI Inform)
  • Factiva
    Comprehensive news resource providing international/regional news, trade and industry publications, investment analysis, stock exchange feeds and international news feeds dating back 10 years. This database is extremely useful for a wide range of research such as company information, industry/market trends, new product development, adspend, mergers and acquisitions, economic information etc.
  • Financial Times Historical Archive 1888-2016
    Comprehensive archive for every Financial Times article published 1888 - 2006 (for later articles see Factiva)

Databases: Markets and sectors. Sector specific - International

  • After Market Research via Workspace
    Refinitiv Aftermarket Research Collections provide research in the marketplace, with over 30 million research reports from over 1,900 sources, dating back to 1982. Accessed via Refinitiv Eikon (the 'Advanced Research Search' app). Sources include MarketLine and GlobalData.
  • Freedonia
    The Freedonia Focus Report Collection provides insight and analysis into over 700 business and industry topics. The 18 25 page reports available include concise and valuable information on market size, product and market forecasts, industry composition, market leaders, regulatory issues and business trends.
  • Frost & Sullivan
    International and regional market analysis, technical insight research, econometric and applications research. Key industries include automotive, business services, aerospace, chemicals, communication and IT, consumer products, defence, electronics, environment and energy, healthcare, high technology, industrial automation and transportation.
  • Global Insights: My Insights
    Part of IHS Connect: Special reports for global automotive, healthcare and telecommunications sectors.
  • Retail Analysis
    International retail market information database providing in-depth company, sector and country reports for the retailing industry.
  • ShopperVista
    '"ShopperVista is the online home of IGD's shopper insight, created from constant dialogue with 12,000 grocery shoppers....Each month, we provide updated charts, tables and analysis from our tracking programme to help put the shopper at the heart of business. And throughout the year, we identify a range of topical subjects to research in greater detail. These reports utilise a range of qualitative and quantitative techniques to really get to the core of the topic."
  • WARC (World Advertising Research Center)
    Online collection of articles and reports on advertising. May be searched by brand, advertiser, agency, and various other parameters.

Business Law

  • Lexis+
    A database containing the full text of unreported cases from 1981 to date and tax cases from 1875 to date. Other older cases go back to the late nineteenth century. As it is primarily an American database it also contains a wealth of American material, but also European, Commonwealth and international information. For UK and Irish regional and national newspapers click on 'Content' then 'Newspapers'.
  • Westlaw UK
    Includes EU & UK legislation, law reports & case digests, citators & analysis (commencement, amendment, subsequent treatment, history etc), Legal Journals Index, Financial Journals Index Archive (-Mar. 2006), selected full text law journals, news & current awareness, Woodfall's law of landlord and tenant, and Palmer's company law. Westlaw UK is a dynamic, ever-growing and easily searchable source of case law, legislation, news, legal journals, commentary, current awareness alerts and EU legal materials.

Research at The University of Manchester

The University of Manchester's research is internationally recognised. Go to Research Explorer, Manchester's research database, to discover the breadth of research produced by staff across the University.


Browse research publications from the Alliance Manchester Business School (please note: whilst many of the publications listed are available to access/Open Access, some records are for forthcoming titles awaiting publication).


Research Explorer Search Interface

Database Spotlight

Datastream Navigator


Datastream gives you access to historical financial markets data and economic data worldwide.

It provides a range of charting and reporting tools that enable you to manipulate and display, or simply download that data in the way that you want.

A Microsoft Excel add-in enables you to access the Datastream database within LSEG Refinitiv Workspace- create and embed data requests that put the data you want straight into your spreadsheet.

Datastream data coverage:

  • Derivatives
  • Company fundamentals from Worldscope
  • Economics
  • Interest rates
  • Exchange rates
  • Equities
  • Equity indices
  • Fixed income securities and associated indices
  • Commodities

Databases - Countries & Regions

  • Connect by S&P Global
    Formerly IHS Connect. In-depth reports providing country profiles, current/forecasted economic data and risk assessments for over 200 countries.
  • Euromonitor Passport Essential
    This online market research tool monitors industry trends and provides strategic analysis and a market size and market share database covering over 350 markets and 850 cities. Euromonitor also has the world's most comprehensive research on the luxury goods industry. They monitor and analyse industry trends in personal goods globally, including in-depth data on market share and market size. Formerly known as Global market information database (GMID).
  • OECD Statistics Databases
    This database includes Monthly Statistics of International Trade, International Trade by Commodity, International Direct Investment, Statistics on International Trade in Services and Statistics on Measuring Globalisation.
  • UK Data Service - includes ESDS International
    The UK Data Service replaces ESDS. It provides access to a wide range of datasets published by the OECD, International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. This database provides annual time series data for international trade, foreign investment and commodity prices. Datasets include IMF Direction of Trade Statistics, OECD International Trade by Commodity, OECD International Direct Investment and World Bank Development Indicators.

Databases: International companies

  • LSEG Refinitiv Workspace
    Features market quotes, earnings estimates, financial fundamentals, press releases, transaction data, corporate filings, ownership profiles and research from LSEG (formerly Refinitiv, formerly Thomson Reuters). Replaces Eikon. You must register for a MyRefinitiv ID to use this resources.
  • Mergent Archives
    Provides access to a vast, indexed collection of corporate and industry related documents - Includes a historical library of company annual reports dating back to 1925.
  • Orbis (and Orbis via WRDS) Essential
    Use Orbis to find, analyse and compare quoted and private companies around the world. It includes extensive corporate ownership structures and comparable information. (Available until 3 July 2024.) Orbis Full contains: 430m + firms globally (41m with detailed financials) / Very Large, Large, Medium and Small sized firms / 10 years of financial history (Please note: exporting to Excel has some limits)
  • RatingsDirect via S&P Capital IQ Pro
    Historical and current S&P Global Ratings credit ratings and research, comprehensive market data, credit risk indicators, for companies around the world. Available within the S&P Capital IQ Pro platform. You may need to request RatingsDirect permissions by contacting the S&P Global help desk.
  • S&P Capital IQ
    Formerly S&P Global Market Intelligence. S&P Capital IQ Pro database (also known as SNL Financial ) provides worldwide bank data and analysis. It covers 50,000+ listed, non-listed and subsidiary banks (30,000+ active) across Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa.
    Financial Data including:
    • Balance sheet (gross and net loans, reserves, AFS, HTM and trading securities, derivative assets and liabilities, deposits, off-balance-sheet commitments etc.).
    • Income statement, including comparable pre-impairment operating profit, impairment detail and yield/cost information.
    • Detailed credit quality metrics, including problem loans, impairments and provisions.
    • Regulatory capital details, including core Tier 1, total capital and risk weighted assets, plus the associated capital ratios. Etc.
  • S&P Capital IQ Pro
    Formerly S&P Global Market Intelligence. S&P Capital IQ Pro interprets and analyses vast volumes of data, turning it into actionable intelligence on the global financial markets and the companies and industries that comprise those markets.
    Capital IQ Pro now contains all of the information and features of legacy Capital IQ, in addition to the SNL Financial data relating to banking, insurance and financial companies. In Capital IQ Pro, you have access to several sources of financials and RatingsDirect data.
  • Statista Essential
    Statista provides users with access to quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics and a wide variety of other areas of interest on markets. For each statistic meta data, including but not limited to source, release date, number of respondents and any other relevant details to facilitate verification is made available.

Databases: UK Companies

Access to company information is provided through a variety of databases. Basic information on the range of companies covered, and type of information provided by each database is detailed below:

  • Fame Essential
    Financial analysis database providing company information for over 2.8 million UK public and private companies, searchable by a wide range of criteria. Detailed financial analysis (up to 10 years) for over 600,000 companies plus director and shareholding data.

Specialist Financial Databases

The following databases are specialist research databases available mostly for registered final year undergraduate/postgraduate students and academic staff at Alliance Manchester Business School.

These databases provide very detailed current/historic information for a wide range of company and financial market data items and some do require a level of programming expertise to extract the data.

⚠ It is the responsibility of each individual user to ensure that they use our databases and datasets responsibly and in accordance with the terms and conditions specified by the vendor. For further information please contact Amar Nazir, Engagement Librarian to Alliance Manchester Business School.

  • Audit Analytics via WRDS
    Independent research of audit, compliance, corporate and legal activity in the United States and Europe. (Available until 21 March 2026.)
  • Bloomberg Professional
    Current and historical financial information on individual equities, stock market indices, fixed-income securities, currencies, commodities, and futures for both international and domestic markets, (booking required).
  • BoardEx via WRDS
    Company board details for US, UK and European quoted companies. BoardEx provides daily updated information on quoted company boards through online search and analysis facilities. BoardEx covers over 435,000 board level directors and senior level managers of over 15,000 quoted companies. The coverage is split into over 2,700 UK company boards, 8,250 US company boards, and a further 5,000 company boards, split between Continental Europe and the rest of the world. For 500 companies the data goes back to 1997.
  • China Securities Market and Accounting Research (CSMAR) via WRDS
    Access to 4 CSMAR datasets including Stock Market Trading & Financial Databases and China Fund Market Research (open end and close end) Fund data.
  • Compustat Execucomp via WRDS
    Detailed executive compensation data for North American companies from 1992, including salary, bonus, options, incentive plans and pensions.
  • Compustat Global via WRDS
    Active/inactive fundamental & market data on over 90,000 global securities. Does not include North America, see Compustat via WRDS.
  • Compustat via WRDS
    More than 300 annual and 100 quarterly income Statements, balance sheets, cash flow, and supplemental data items on more than 24,000 publicly held companiesfinancial data on over 14,000 North American companies.
  • CRSP Mutual Funds via WRDS
    The Center for Research in Security Prices, LLC (CRSP) maintains the most comprehensive collection of security price, return, and volume data for the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stock markets.
  • CRSP via WRDS
    Contains security level historical descriptive information, and market data, on more than 20,000 stocks (for active & inactive companies) from the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ markets.
  • Datastream
    Specialist research analysis database providing current/historical financial data for international companies /indicies and bond data. Available via LSEG Refinitiv Workspace.
  • DealScan via WRDS
    Refinitiv (formerly LPC) DealScan is the source for extensive information on the global syndicated bank loan market. It provides users with access to Refinitivs database of detailed terms and conditions on over 240,000 loan transactions.
  • ISS Governance Takeover Deference, Director data and Shareholder proposals (formerly RiskMetrics) via WRDS
    Provides corporate governance data for US companies, including governance, directors, voting results and shareholder proposal data. The database mainly covers from 1997, and companies in the S&P 1500 index.
  • ISS Voting Analytics & Incentive Lab via WRDS
    Access Historical Governance, Historical Directors data, Voting Results data, Voting Analytics with N-PX data, Incentive Lab data, and Shareholder Proposal data. (Available until 28 February 2026.)
  • LoanConnector
    LoanConnector from Refinitiv (formerly Loan Pricing Corporation) provides global loan market news and analysis reports from 1995. Information on companies using the loan markets includes loan details, credit ratings and access to SEC filings.
  • LSPD, London Share Price Databases - Daily via WRDS
    The London Share Price Database (LSPD) is a unique, comprehensive database of UK stock returns covering over 9,000 UK shares from 1955 to date
  • LSPD, London Share Price Databases - Monthly via WRDS
    The London Share Price Database (LSPD) is a unique, comprehensive database of UK stock returns covering over 9,000 UK shares from 1955 to date.
  • Markit CDS & Investment Grade (+ RED) via WRDS
    Markit Credit Default Swap (CDS) and RED entity data, via WRDS. (Available until 4 July 2025.)
  • Markit Securities Finance (MSF) via WRDS
    Markit securities data. (Available until 4 July 2025.)
  • Mergent Fixed Income Securities Database (FISD) via WRDS
    A comprehensive database of publicly offered US Bonds. FISD contains issue details on over 140,000 corporate MTN (medium term notes), supernational, US Agency, and US Treasury debt securities and includes more than 550 data items. FISD provides details on debt issues and the issuers, as well as transactions by insurance companies.
  • MSCI ESG Equities Ratings - Time Series dataset via WRDS
    The MSCI ESG Equities Ratings - Time Series dataset provides a comprehensive historical time series of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings for companies. It evaluates how well companies manage ESG risks and opportunities, scoring them on a scale from AAA (highest) to CCC (lowest).
  • OptionMetrics via WRDS
    A comprehensive source of historical price and implied volatility data for the US equity and index options markets. Encompassing more than six years of data, it contains historical prices of options and their associated underlying instruments, correctly calculated implied volatilities and option sensitivities.
  • PI Filings Expert
    A financial and capital markets database providing access to over 14 million global company filings including annual reports, M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions), IPO (Initial Public Offerings), bond prospectuses and news announcements. Offers free text search. Replaces PI Navigator.
  • RepRisk via WRDS
    Environmental, social, governance (ESG) issues which have been reported on in the news relating to public and private companies and their supply chains. (Available until 2 April 2026)
  • S&P Capital IQ
    Formerly S&P Global Market Intelligence. S&P Capital IQ Pro database (also known as SNL Financial ) provides worldwide bank data and analysis. It covers 50,000+ listed, non-listed and subsidiary banks (30,000+ active) across Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa.
    Financial Data including:
    • Balance sheet (gross and net loans, reserves, AFS, HTM and trading securities, derivative assets and liabilities, deposits, off-balance-sheet commitments etc.).
    • Income statement, including comparable pre-impairment operating profit, impairment detail and yield/cost information.
    • Detailed credit quality metrics, including problem loans, impairments and provisions.
    • Regulatory capital details, including core Tier 1, total capital and risk weighted assets, plus the associated capital ratios. Etc.
  • S&P Capital IQ Key Developments and Capital Structure via WRDS
    Two subsets of specialist Capital IQ data are available in WRDS under 'Compustat - Capital IQ'. These are 'Capital Structure' and 'Key Developments'. See elsewhere for regular Capital IQ access, not via WRDS. (Available until 19 July 2025.)
  • S&P Capital IQ Pro
    Formerly S&P Global Market Intelligence. S&P Capital IQ Pro interprets and analyses vast volumes of data, turning it into actionable intelligence on the global financial markets and the companies and industries that comprise those markets.
    Capital IQ Pro now contains all of the information and features of legacy Capital IQ, in addition to the SNL Financial data relating to banking, insurance and financial companies. In Capital IQ Pro, you have access to several sources of financials and RatingsDirect data.
  • S&P Credit Ratings via WRDS
    Current and historical credit ratings including public finance coverage from 2007 and global issuers and structured finance from 1922. Look in WRDS under 'Compustat - Capital IQ'. Replaces the S&P credit ratings fields in SDC Platinum.
  • SDC Platinum
    International mergers and acquisitions (M&A) data, initial public offerings (IPOs) and bankruptcies. Available via LSEG Refinitiv Workspace.
    Spatial Hazard Events and Losses Database for the United States (SHELDUS Version 20.0) covers natural events such as thunderstorms, hurricanes, floods, wildfires and tornados, etc. The database contains information on the date of an event, affected location (county and state) and the direct losses caused by the event (property and crop losses, injuries, and fatalities) from 1960 to the present. For further information on accessing SHELDUS please contact
  • TAQ and ISSM via WRDS
    The NYSE TAQ (New York Stock Exchange Trade and Quote) database is available through the Wharton portal for the years of 2014 and 2015 only. It contains tick by tick data on stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), American Stock Exchange (AMEX), as well as Nasdaq National Market System (NMS) and Small Cap issues. Use ISSM for 1983 to 1992 data.
  • TASS / Lipper Hedge Fund Database via WRDS
    Refinitiv Lipper Hedge Fund Database (TASS) is available in WRDS under 'Thomson/Refinitiv'. Includes product performance data from 1974 and index data from 1913, and details of companies and people. (Available until 31 July 2025.)
  • Wharton Research Data Service - WRDS
    Provides a powerful search engine to research a wide range of data sources. From 5 December 2022, all individual WRDS web users will be required to register with Duo in order to log in. Sources include CRSP, Compustat and Federal Reserve Bank reports for detailed international company financial information in addition to economic, banking and stock market data.
  • WRDS Research Platform (UNIX access)
    WRDS Cloud is available to PGR and academic staff only. Contact the Specialist Library Support service for details:

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