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Chemistry: Subject websites

Useful websites

The following sites give a start when looking for chemistry related information on the internet:

  • WebElements aims to be a high quality source of information on the WWW relating to the periodic table. Maintained by Mark Winter at the University of Sheffield.
  • The Center for Molecular Modeling is a major supplier of molecular modeling resources and expertise to the NIH (National Institutes of Health) research community. It provides a well organised set of resources relating to molecular modeling.
  • NMR Information Server provides links relating to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
  • The Chemical MIME Home Page provides a concise entry point for various information sources relating to chemical MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension). Maintained by Henry Rzepa of Imperial College, London.
  • Pinakes provides links to a wide range of major Internet subject gateways.

General chemistry resources

  • Intute Resources in Chemistry provides a select list of the 'best of the Web' for chemistry.
  • is an international directory of chemistry on the Internet which organises resources by subject and category. Maintained by the Department of Chemistry at the University of Sheffield.
  • LearnNet is maintained by the Royal Society of Chemistry and provides a wide range of teaching, learning and other resources for students and teachers of chemistry.
  • Links for Chemists is maintained by the University of Liverpool and is an index of chemistry resources on the Web.
  • World Wide Web Virtual Library: Links for Chemists is an index of chemistry resources on the web. Copyright of The University of Liverpool, Department of Chemistry.
  • Crystallography Online aims to provide extensive coverage of current and Internet-based information concerning crystallography and of interest to crystallographers. Maintained by the International Union of Crystallography.

Chemical structure information

  • Chemspider is a free access web-based service providing a structure centric community for chemists. Providing access to millions of chemical structures and integration to a wide range of other online services ChemSpider is a rich source of structure-based chemistry information.
  • eMolecules is the world's most comprehensive openly accessible search engine for chemical structures. It comprises:
    • a database of 8 million unique chemical structures from 22 million sources.
    • chemical data from over 150 suppliers, with standard weekly or quarterly updates as necessary.
    • the ability to search by drawing chemical structures or substructures using standard industry tools - ISIS/Draw, ChemDraw, ChemSketch and JME.
    • over 4 million commercially available screening compounds.

What every chemist should know about patents

Patent databases


Images and modelling

Below is a selection of chemical drawing/modelling freeware:

  • ACD/ChemSketch 11.0 Freeware is a substantial freely downloadable chemical drawing package.
  • Chemist's Art Gallery is developed and maintained by CSC (Finland) and supports quantum chemistry, molecular dynamics applications using sketcher/builder and visualisation tools.
  • Drawing Chemical Structures with PLT is freeware for drawing chemical structures and creating hard copy on printers and other Windows supported output devices.
  • Jmol is an open-source Java viewer for chemical structures in 3D, with features for chemicals, crystals, materials and biomolecules.
  • RasMol (Protein Explorer) is a molecular visulaisation freeware for looking at macromolecular structure and its related function.


Name reactions

  • Classic Organic Reactions is an alphabetical list of classic organic named reactions with full depiction of the reaction and key references.
  • Name Reaction List is an alphabetic list of named reactions with full depiction of the reaction and the original reference.
  • Name Reactions in Organic Chemistry is maintained by the Organic Chemistry Portal. Reaction mechanisms, detailed descriptions and references accompany most of the reactions listed.

Nomenclature, synonyms

  • Acronyms Database is a searchable database of chemical acronyms and abbreviations developed and maintained by the Chemistry Library at Indiana University.
  • ChemIDplus is a chemical dictionary and structure database created and maintained by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). Chemicals can be searched by name, registry number, synonym and formula.
  • Chemindex Database is a searchable online database of chemicals and corresponding suppliers that includes registry numbers, chemical names, and synonyms.
  • Chemindustry Chemical Name Synonyms Finder is a keyword searchable database that allows search by full chemical name, partial chemical name, registry number or molecular formula.
  • IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology comprises over 7,000 terms. All terminology definitions published by IUPAC are drafted by international committees of experts in the appropriate chemistry sub-disciplines.
  • IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry includes a useful guide to the principles of organic nomenclature.
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